Leonardo Benicio
Leonardo Benicio
sorry about the compile errors, it was a WIP of the git merge conflicts resolver we were trying to implement.
> Please fix compile errors > > ``` > home/runner/work/jabref/jabref/src/main/java/org/jabref/gui/collab/ExternalChangesResolverViewModel.java:57: error: name clash: ExternalChangesResolverViewModel(List,UndoManager) and ExternalChangesResolverViewModel(List,UndoManager) have the same erasure > > public ExternalChangesResolverViewModel(List changes2, UndoManager undoManager2) { > ^...
@koppor currently we are developing the rebase conflicts resolver view, and we should be good to go for another, and hopefully last, PR
We are migrating our implementation to use java key ring, we were not using it. Now we see the problem. The diff dialog is still under heavy issues (I added...
@koppor We thought, as a v1, we could just create a text dialog with the diff output from the user and let the user decide
I don't quite understand how that will work as the class uses bib files, but i will try.