Hannah Thierfeldt
Hannah Thierfeldt
bam2hints distributed with AUGUSTUS crashes with some BAM-files as input (Error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)). However, bam2hints distributed with VARUS runs smoothly on them. A minimal example with bam2hints call...
There appears to be an issue with the script gff2gbSmallDNA.pl. When applying gff2gbSmallDNA.pl to GeneMarkS-T predictions made on transcripts assembled by StringTie2, fewer transcripts are output than are input. This...
Hi! I installed LoReAn via Docker with: `sudo docker run -it --rm -v /home/hannah/Augustus/config/:/opt/LoReAn/third_party/software/augustus/config/ -v $HOME:/home/lorean -v $PWD:/data -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) lfaino/lorean:latest lorean -h` (Docker Image ID:...