Sorry, adding one more minor thing to the list. Since it seems like `vortex_core_size` has an impact on the comparisons (at least with Sorensen's cases), we should probably give it...
And one more minor thing while I'm thinking about it. Was just thinking it would be handy to include a `diskType` flag to the ncfile to indicate whether it's a...
Thanks @rthedin, these are good suggestions. One thing I tried was to move the refinement zones higher so they wouldn't touch the bottom boundary, but it didn't help with MAC...
More updates on this MAC projection issues: I tried this out on Frontier, and see the same problem happening, so it's independent of the machine architecture. However, it does look...
Just to confirm on a recent build of AMR-Wind a1caec3 on Frontier, the MAC projections are still hitting the limits when I run on GPU's. I haven't been able to...
I don't have any case right now which consistently runs on CPU's and fails on GPU's, but because there seems to be a processor dependence, it's likely that the case...
Hi @genevievestarke, are there any particular types of actuator disks that you're interested in running? We can set up actuator disks with OpenFAST models, uniformly loaded actuator disks, or Joukowski...
> Here is an example input file that corresponds to the orange dot on the power curve (ARM-Wind, precursor) > > [MedWS_LowTI_farmrun1_inp.txt]( Thanks @gyalla. In case anybody wants to try...
I just thought of another test that we could do. We can make use of `ABLForcing.velocity_timetable` to ramp the wind speed from a constant $U_1$ to another speed $U_2$ over...
Hi @rthedin, thanks for sharing that. This is interesting, because at 8m/s, the IEA 15MW is only supposed to generate around 6.3MW of power (according to the [design doc](, so...