Results 4 issues of Andrew C.

I'm not sure if this is possible, but would it be technically possible to send keypresses to the game over kRPC? This way limited mod support could be added without...


Can you post your WIP code for [the 3D navball](–-Telemetry-and-Flight-Control-in-the-Web-Browser?p=909193&viewfull=1#post909193)? I'd really like to take a crack at it.

If there are no tests run, the elements field is not present in the behave output which causes behave2cucumber to generate an error. This change avoids this error by checking...

I've noticed that when using the new `@autoretry` behavior in Behave 1.2.6, I get duplicate records in the JSON output. For example, if I have a retry count of 3,...