Fix for issue described here: where the placeholder is cut off if it extends over one line.
* Added compiler flag `GALLERY_USE_LOCATION` which is used to partition usage of `CoreLocation`. If the flag isn't set then the option within `Camera` to record the location is not available....
No tags (and official releases) have been pushed since 1.0.1. This [PR]( which was merged some time ago goes to version 3 but none of these changes made under this...
Marked up `KeychainSwiftAccessOptions` with a `@objc` annotation and made an integer raw type so this enum can be used when bridging in Objective-C.
Fix for title colours not adhering to dark appearance colours when the tab selection is changed when running on device.
* All gesture recongnizer helpers functions now return the recognizer. This allows the caller to optionally keep a handle on the recognizer, thus for example allowing for removal of the...
* Now using `fastlane-plugin-test_center` for UI tests - * Added new (optional) environment variable `MULTI_SCAN_TRY_COUNT` to set the number of times a test is retried before it's considered a...
For instance the following: ```"%s 0% fat Greek style yogurt"``` when formatted with: ```"60ml"``` should ideally result in: ```"60ml 0% fat Greek style yogurt"``` Instead the outcome is ```nil``` I've...
* Bubbles can now be configured to be dismissed when the user taps on the surrounding (dimmed) area. Useful for when wanting to show light touch tips which dismiss when...
No commits have been version tagged on `master` since `1.4.0` therefore Swift package manager / Cocoapods are limited to `1.4.0` as the latest. The `master` branch is missing the following...