Etienne Lawlor

Results 22 issues of Etienne Lawlor

I commented out `android:screenOrientation="landscape"` from the `MainActivity` declaration in the `AndroidManifest.xml`, but it doesn't look like it supports orientation change. How can you continue playback from where you left off...

migrated googlesamples

Great repo. Thanks a lot for this. However I found an issue. This is pretty edge case stuff so i'm not sure its a high priority. If you go to...

I noticed that you don't yet have support for Pagination I am actually trying to set up Pagination myself in my own project. I have it completely set up...

- [ ] Set up pagination on comments screen - [ ] Pagination is broken (use next links and offset) - [ ] Add activity transitions - [ ] Clicking...

- [ ] Create BottomSheetDialog filter functionality - [x] Create search functionality

- [ ] Look into GestureDetector to implement custom Tinder buttons. onClick() and onTouch() events are not being handled properly.

Is there a proguard snippet for Leak Canary (

So the SlideInUpAnimator works well and seems stable on version 2.0.0, but every other version after that including the latest version 2.2.5 seems to be broken. Here is a video...

If you have a `RecyclerView` that has items that are laid out with a `LinearLayoutManger` with the orientation set to `Vertical` and you don’t apply any custom `ItemAnimator` to the...

In version 2.0.0 the SlideInUpAnimator works great but i just tested on 2.2.3 of this library and this animator looks buggy. The items don't immediately slide into view and instead...