The command and the output of it as follows: `>>gen --debug -f client -O windows -A x86 connect --host -t ec4` `[+] Generate client: windows/x86` `{ Configuration }` `KEY...
`>>>listen` `[+] ec4: 1234` `>>>` and output of `netstat -lntp` `Active Internet connections (only servers)` `Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name ` `tcp6 0 0 :::9000...
Crash is happening in the function `sub_40C000` . For some reason the calculated final value of ecx points to some location in `.data` section which is not marked as executable...
>No idea what is this and where it is. It's the disassembly code for the pupy 32bit windows executable agent. >Once you created payload with debug, it creates two logs....
I'm using this one `https://github.com/Cyb3rWard0g/docker-pupy`
Please provide the exact error you are seeing.