For schema implementation - I'd suggest having performer alias be unique and then linked to scenes and studios via join tables So for Daniella example Daniella (via join table links...
There is an existing proposal to separate file system and finger-prints from galleries /scenes/ movies and to link them via "File Ranges" (e.g. clips from files that have start and...
Need this as well. Related issue:
I think this relates to a proposal for stash db schema revision that would support "File Ranges" with start/end times [198667]( File Ranges are sub-sections/clips, and scenes can be composed...
@jennygreene88 > I've rigged up a little solution to play the files in a native local player even when Stash is running on a different machine. I think it's the...
Same problem on Debian with zip files in symlinks not working with Stash (get error message - not valid zip file while scanning, same file work well when not symlinkes)....
Would love to see this implemented as well. Might be able to help, as I've been looking for a Go project to contribute.
Perhaps this feature can be aligned with StashApp File Design Draft, so both projects develop in-step: Here's a proposed schema modified from the above link slightly reworked for StashBox...
I proposed a DB Schema for this in #663 with a more complex design that would also address sub-clips with time-ranges and multi-clip scenes based StashApp File Design Draft: