Lauren Hamel
Lauren Hamel
I'm still running into issues that I believe are stemming back to this problem. More recently, I've encountered errors that state that there is an unclosed `{{#if}}` block when, in...
> When you compile the template with flag `LightnCandy::FLAG_HANDLEBARS | LightnCandy::FLAG_ERROR_EXCEPTION` , the template receives `Exception: No argument after {{#if}} !` , it means "We do not allow `{{#if}}` but...
Checking in to see if there's any update on this issue since the 1.5.0 release of Dart Sass. I'm currently using the latest release of `grunt-contrib-sass` with latest `dart-sass`. So...
I submitted a PR for a proposed upgrade to using Dart Sass. I left the integration tools (travis/appveyor) intact since you guys will likely need to review that stuff based...
@ve3, no, it was not. The PR I submitted (#244) was closed without review because of "too many changes," and it seems that this project is moving in the direction...
I recently added this `grunt-verb` package into one of my own projects, and I was receiving this same error. For anyone else who may stumble upon this same thread hoping...