Daphne Maddox
Daphne Maddox
``` ["getFunctionNames@chrome-extension://ighdmehidhipcmcojjgiloacoafjmpfk/dist/hint.js:2042:20", "ngEventHandler@chrome-extension://ighdmehidhipcmcojjgiloacoafjmpfk/dist/hint.js:1949:36", "invokeLinkFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:8125:9", "nodeLinkFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:7637:11", "compositeLinkFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:6993:13", "nodeLinkFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:7632:24", "compositeLinkFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:6993:13", "publicLinkFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:6872:30", "$get.boundTranscludeFn@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:7011:16", "controllersBoundTransclude@http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:7664:18"] angular.js:11383 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined at getFunctionNames (chrome-extension://ighdmehidhipcmcojjgiloacoafjmpfk/dist/hint.js:2042:20) at ngEventHandler (chrome-extension://ighdmehidhipcmcojjgiloacoafjmpfk/dist/hint.js:1949:36) at invokeLinkFn (http://localhost:3000/deps/angular/angular.js:8125:9) at nodeLinkFn...
see https://github.com/afterglowtech/angular-couchPotato/issues/2 ... need to establish tests for couch-potato as well as guide for testing apps that use couch-potoato.
docblockr doesn't know how to handle this: ``` typescript export function myFunc(specs: { someProp: string | string[], someOtherProp: string, someProp3: () => any }) { } ``` it results in...
The way that search is being tested on the node tier is making the test sensitive to the current date (and thus there are 5 fails as of October. I'm...
Discovered while addressing #663... The tooltip for Related Tags popup list when mouse hovers over a related tags is suppsed to say "Perform new search for only this tag". The...
We've noticed that around the time of release, the application became noticeably faster. While this is great, we should know why. One possibility is that a dependency or dependencies update...
MarkLogic Java client POJO facade wraps JSON objects in a property based on class name. At some point, we might want to demonstrate a way for non-Java code to work...
The current event cycle on date range filter is leaving corner cases where behavior is unexpected and is perhaps trying a bit too had to "manhandle" bootstrap. Let's look at...
Add pure-Javascript gulp automation automation for database/MarkLogic app setup (and adapt `gulp once` to use it, as well).
@grechaw can you think of a reason that this function would be failing on travis but not elsewhere? In https://github.com/laurelnaiad/marklogic-samplestack/blob/travis-debug/appserver/java-spring/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/MarkLogicSlurpTask.groovy#L27 ``` void putRdf(client, uri, rdftriples) { def params = [:]...