Results 121 issues of latot

Hi, I was running linting and found this: test.R ``` df


Hi hi, I think add to the linter as a good practice, specify in dplyr filters and similar what is column and what is var, like this example: ``` data

help wanted :heart:

Hi hi, I think this is a very very veryyy interesting project, I was thinking would be great include the Lorentz Law in the list of equations, with it the...

Hi, this is just a tricky question, I would like to know..., if there is a difference between the matrix function and pairs functions, like the shortest path or the...

Hi, I'm using the overlay, but when added with layman, emerge tells the next message: ``` emerge -auDNU --with-bdeps=y @world !!! Repository 'mv' is missing masters attribute in '/var/lib/layman/mv/metadata/layout.conf' !!!...

As talked before, this is a hard feature to make, is not priority for spatial databases, but is used in some of them like OpenStreetMap, in any case we can...


Hi, I think would be great support rowwise operation from dplyr. Thx!


Hi all, I has been using lintr from some months, is great, seems there is some changes but I notice something really weird, I uses this as the doc says...

Hi, I has tryied to use the ```allcores```, but then I notice it, is not using all my cores D: Well, maybe technically is using it, but every core is...

Hi hi, I found some issue regarding the kml format, at least in my very few testings: - The polygons and lines don't use the right color, I see all...