Results 125 issues of latot

Hi!, i think this option would be very nice, can the gif, speed up/down. Thx!.

Hi all, well reading i found the instructions here are little complates, or in other is possible simplify it, so i want propose make a custom profile with the keywords...

Hi hi, I was doing some tests in a server, and I notice even with the actual method, is not possible to always keep the temp we want. So, after...

Hi, well i'm thinking, this is going bigger and bigger with all functions we have, i think that its very good, but now the problem, we have enough things to...


Hi @cbm755 this time i bring the full sets module (i skip some redundant functions), because we add intervals function with some things but is very incomplete, when i need...

Hi, well this time i propose implement in simplify the expand_func, its very useful specially if we use special functions like beta or gamma, in this case the user can...

Well, this time its only rewrite of diff to python, why? time of execution: with the actual diff ``` >> f=(x-1)^10; >> tic;diff(f);toc; Elapsed time is 0.0878189 seconds. ``` with...

needs revision

Hi!, it feels to much time, well here i have a rewrite to the diff function, the reasons are simple, first, when we have a function with more than one...

needs revision

A supper utility to work with systems, more work! Thx. Cya.

help wanted

Hi, well a missed feature from octsympy to Sympy, proposed syntax: ``` octave:12> a=python_cmd('return Symbol("a", polar=False)') sym('a', 'polar', false) ``` Thx. Cya.