Results 102 comments of latot

Hi, remember this all are examples, the problem it self, is the function is not detecting if a var is used or not, maybe for that particular case there is...

Yeah, and not just a point, or maybe, set a point and can put the amount of charge in the point. The lorentz law is not enough not show the...

mm, just to confirm, I run this: ``` layman -a mv ``` is that right? or I'm adding other repo?

@fulghum sady, seems this is more important than we tought, MySQL is not a common to implement spatial databases, so there is not too much utilities to can upload spatial...

Okis!, seems I'm using the same as this project, don't know why the warnings pass D: Yaml! ``` on: push: branches: [main] pull_request: branches: [main] name: lint jobs: lint: runs-on:...

what would be neccessary?, in fact, what would be neccessary to can implement multi-lang subs recognition?

Hi Thx!, to finish, a question, actually, how the program detect every lang?, AI? and how detect differences like different styles?

What data are you using to fed them? and when is trained? or the CRNN model is from other source?, actually I'm very interested in this project, I have a...

mm, I was thinking, instead process all the image, an option to say "the letters have this colors", so is possible filter the image before the model to improve the...

:O that is a big challenge..., mmm. There is some points, in my case, I worked writing subs, manually, it takes a lot of time, but I worked fixing subs,...