Results 102 comments of latot

i'm agree, but the only think i don't like its solveset actually only works with 1 input. But before this we will need fix this issue: Why?, sovleset use a...

Yay! i'm interested, and to start: We must be careful, i don't know if all functions of classdef are available in octave.

mmm, actually sympy says "no" instead of none, personally i preferred "none" because in the case in example x go to -inf should be no, well and you know the...

mmmmm, None in bool its interpreted as no: ``` >>> if not y.is_infinite: ... 1 ... 1 ``` and octave takes that (with isinf you don't get a sym): ```...

New thing, i found this is because if how pysubs2 detect the file type, the players accept ```[V4+ Styles]``` as substation, while where have weird things, if i change it...

I'm agree with this, group by can be a way to sort everything, but replicate the behavior when we need group by and not can be hard, I think can...

Hi, after research and tests, RPostgreSQL works with: ```R dbWriteTable(con, c("a_schema", "a_table"), value=t) ``` How DBI try to act betwen R and RDBMS, I think this need a little of...

Mmmm, with ```dbReadTable``` works with ```DBI::Id```, with vector and ```SQL``` fails.

Hi, as posted above, ```DBI::dbWriteTable``` only works with ```c(schema, table)```, does not works with ```SQL``` nor ```Id``` .