Rémy de Sérésin

Results 8 issues of Rémy de Sérésin

All AD stuff was disabled. Some view are still not converted to aspnetcore. My main setup is composed of SqlServer, Cookie Auth, internal user database. I quickly try to use...

It would be nice to be able to have query plan for raw sql too (for postgres at least ;) )

Hello, I managed to have my app working with AOT on windows and linux (ubuntu wsl). I tested only with net8.0 framework. It's a basic consumer app with avalonia UI....

The rule [MA0124](https://github.com/meziantou/Meziantou.Analyzer/blob/main/docs/Rules/MA0124.md) is really useful. (Others too but it's not the point). It would be nice to have a way (csproj property maybe) to enable a case insensitive matching...

I started playing with DevTool from Avalonia.Diagnostics and I found something strange when activating the Dirty Rec overlay. When the focus is on the TextEditor control, each caret blink cause...

### Current behavior When converting a json document containing unicode sequence escape, the caracter is replace in the output. ### How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)...


Just a POC. It support AOT by default. And try to match WPF version look and feel. The only issue is the two native lib `libHarfBuzzSharp.dll` and `libSkiaSharp.dll` not bundled....


It would be very nice if this lib have an extensions method for enumerable that display a dynamic [progressbar](https://spectreconsole.net/live/progress). ```csharp var list = new List {1,2,3,4}; foreach(var i un list.WithProgess("Caption"))...

live display