Anton Viktorov

Results 65 comments of Anton Viktorov

@taHC81 can you please send me output of these lines ESP_LOGI(TAG, "New Rshunt=%f ohm, max current=%.3f", r_shunt, max_current); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "New CURRENT_LSB=%f, SHUNT_CAL=%u", this->current_lsb_, this->shunt_cal_);

@taHC81 i updated the code, added debug output. please enable DEBUG level logging and put output to the pastebin. thanks make sure you compile new version, sometimes it caches old...

try one more time please + share logs. thanks

please share full log when it works for few minutes. thanks.

okay, minor changes uploaded - added die-temperature, it was not published - s20_4_ was not returning a value what is strange is that for the voltages we receive data like...

maybe initialization is not enough, i will check other libs how do they initialize the device

@taHC81 sounds promising. please include full log when you have new shunt

@taHC81 another minor update - charge shall be reading properly - number of digits after decimal point increased

hi. some updates posted. - shunt voltage is shown in mV - adc_range can be selected. option 0 or 1. - current readings - its important to add some load...