Yizhou Shan

Results 16 comments of Yizhou Shan

Hi @sarsanaee! We have a specific requirement that Zedboard can not easily provide. We want a flow like this: `PHY MAC Customized IP`. With Zedboard, the on-board PHY is connected...

Besides, Arty A7 is not expansive, a good entry-level board.

We can just keep this issue open. It's alright. I'm assuming you are trying to do similar network related processing, right? The arty board is a good starting board to...

I don't like the kernel modules just kill machines. Unfortunately, our linux-modules are one of this type. Fix it.

Hi @Sinever, thank you for your kind words. Your concern about network is valid. There are some active research projects looking into this issue. For instance, https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi19/presentation/shrivastav

Hi, it is mostly configuration issues rather than kernel bugs. Did you first copy .config from /boot and then do a make oldconfig?

Hi @anoyiuhu and @Boon-Jun, Using 3.11.1 is due to kernel API compatibility issue. The storage node has two key modules, an Infiniband (IB) module and a lego storage monitor. When...

Hi @sarsanaee , Thank you for your interest in LegoOS. The short answer to your question is Yes, we are able to replace IB with Eth and run that on...

Hi, You can look up https://github.com/WukLab/LegoOS/blob/master/managers/processor/pcache/evict_lru.c#L293. This kernel thread will walk through pcache set, within each set, it looks at reference bit and adjust the list (LRU). if you want...

Being in kernel loses the joy of using some open-source user space stuff such as coroutine. I especially like the Arachne, OSDI'18 work. They have some good insights in building...