Merged! I'll do a little clean up later, once again really thanks a lot for the contribution.
Made it a little better 🫡 It'll allow for better support for future versions of .wz files, as the location of the images, and directories are actually not static from...
Exactly!! It was just so tedious and time consuming. That was the reason why I avoided doing it months after 64-client was released. It kept being pushed back and at...
"Map.wz\MapHelper.img\weather\firecracker\sound1" contains a .wav file that is currently unsupported.
A year late! Would you mind providing me the **Map.wz** file here for CMS v79? I will fix it, thank you.
I'll look into it, have it on priority right now.
Its supported in the latest version.
根據您提供的數據很難確定問題所在。 請嘗試刪除以下路徑中的文件:%appdata%/HaRepacker C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HaRepacker 另外,請下載新版本的 HaRepacker。
Its supported in the latest version.
Its fixed in the latest version, get it here: