So I cannot start Nuxt because Failed to load schema for "gql-sdk.ts", I suspect it fails because no authentication token header is there. I have added the useGqlHeaders in my...
> Shopify Storefront API requires a custom header name for their auth token.
> I might try to develop this for myself. Will let you know if it gets far enough for a PR. Or might need a little help or advice. I'd...
Having the same issue. I am debugging the code and due to time spent paused on a breakpoint, I hit the 5000ms default limit. I don't want to increase the...
Same, in mobile Safari.
"celeb_" test fails because the regex in the User mongoose model only allows letters and numbers! models/User.js 12: `match: [/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, 'is invalid']` Changing to `match: [/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/, 'is invalid']` will make...