Denise Larsson
Denise Larsson
## Description As a PO, I want a clean design and no empty blocks ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Remove references block if there are none - [ ]...
## Description As a PO, I want an engaging, clean About dialog for (new) users ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Remove the information icon - [ ] Also for...
## Description If I am invited to a Space, I don't want to see the message 'if you want to join, click here to apply' If I am not able...
## Description As a Po i want to ensure that even the Spaces without context give an engaging first impression ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Design needed - [...
## Description As a I want So that ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Should ‹testable condition that should be satisfied› - [ ] … ## Additional Context Screen shots...
## Description As a I want So that ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Should ‹testable condition that should be satisfied› - [ ] … ## Additional Context Screen shots...
## Description As a user I want to easily navigate my subspaces As a PO I want consistency in the lay-out of the platform ## Acceptance criteria - [ ]...
**Describe the bug** When I create community guidelines, but I don't want them anymore, I can't delete and save them **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to...
## Description As product team, I want an engaging page for unauthenticated users that enter an open Space When a user is not logged in, they can't see user profiles....
## Description As an admin of a Space, I don't want to miss any open applications for my Space(s) As an admin it is confusing to see pending memberships under...