Bucky Kittinger
Bucky Kittinger
Yes, you can pass `-DENABLE_TESTS=Off` to the command line and this will ignore the tests. But, currently we only support Unixish machines, so Windows would need work to handle memory...
Thank you godmar, currently aware of this. Bigger changes that are in the works for eosio-cpp/cc will eliminate these concerns as they will remove the generation of these temporary files...
Currently, the best option users have is to use CMake to build their smart contracts. This would at least ensure that any options, defines, etc. are known for any one...
Outside of debugging your smart contract. I can see the use case for adding base58 support to cdt. The main reason I don't want to add it, 1) licensing with...
In possibly the next release of CDT (v.1.7.0), I am planning on making a "debug" build variant, that would then prune certain things from the smart contract. Things like debug...
They are thrown in from std::string, from the memo field of transfer. The compiler is currently not smart enough to deduce that the various functions for conversion are not needed...