Larra Su
Larra Su
Hi, just asking has anyone found a fix for this? Thanks!
> i don't know if this is related but i am getting this > > Only fix i can do is to disable devtools or remove nuxt font > >...
I made it work by using `"axios": "^0.25.0"`. No other configurations are needed.
I'm sorry for the confusion. From the docs: ```vue // ... const frameworks = [ { text: 'VueJS', value: 'vue' }, { text: 'ReactJS', value: 'react' }, { text: 'AngularJS',...
Thank you for the response. How will I make it render the selected option as the `text`, not the `value`? Also, [the slots example]( on the docs is currently not...
> No worries. If you want it to display VueJS & also modelValue should be VueJS then why not just use array of string? I just used the example from...
You can redirect to your site by adding the parameter in your login method. See example below: ```js const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({ provider: 'github' options: {...
I'm making a new module for Nuxt, but I can't make docs using Docus because of this. It only works if the root folder is empty. Even though the root...
The only way I can use Nuxt UI on Docus is to create new components. **components/content/Button.vue** ```vue defineProps({ label: { type: String, default: null }, }) ``` Not the ideal...