Ginger Old

Results 105 comments of Ginger Old

when cargo install pkg1 pkg2 pkg3 there are many components are the same, cargo install just build them again and again and all in serial sequence, can cargo-install them in...

work around: put something like `let g:ale_c_cc_executable="/usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc"` into local.vimrc will force ALE to use cross compiler, still ALE ignores first argument in compile_commands.json(e.g. the compiler)

What about Vue 2 + Bootstrap 5? It seems Vue 2 will stay for quite a while.

is there an estimation when go-mysqlx becomes available?

Want to switch a django/python-mysqlx-connector project to go/mysql8 as I need both RDBS and JSON in the same database, it seems not many are taking this approach? I'm checking TiDB,...

Yes I will use the classic protocol for json-column with mysql for now. After trying TiDB I realize I have to stick with MySQL as my workload is more OLTP...

just checked utest.h and it does not have such a flag, but it would be nice to have if possible. The use scenario is like: when I cmake Debug build...

Is tbox an alternative to glib that is normally for desktop applications? glib is widely used there and I actually feel tbox might be of great use in embedded space,...

my .vimrc is ``` set nocompatible set runtimepath^=/home/r256/.vim/plugged/vim-markdown filetype plugin indent on syntax on set hidden ```

I confirm this workaround, looks like the back-ticks triggered something unnecessarily without this workaround.