Josh Lu
Josh Lu
解决办法:flutter/flutter#10654 I was doing the same mistake, opening Runner.xcodeproj and not Runner.xcworkspace... Everything works opening the correct file. Thanks a lot, you saved my week! 我在犯同样的错误,打开Runner.xcodeproj而不是Runner.xcworkspace ... 打开正确的文件,一切正常。 非常感谢,您保存了我的一周!
> 我在Runner项目里找到了city_pickers的OC文件 "CityPickersPlugin", 拷贝到我的项目中, 解决了'city_pickers/CityPickersPlugin.h' file not found. 希望可以帮到其他人. 如果有更好的办法, 请通知我 解决办法:flutter/flutter#10654 I was doing the same mistake, opening Runner.xcodeproj and not Runner.xcworkspace... Everything works opening the correct file. Thanks...