
Results 66 issues of Lann

I think it's time to work on a coherent plan for how to organize all the example Wasm projects we have floating around: * `crates/*/tests/*` (4) * `crates/http/benches/*` (2) _mea...


In #431 we add support for copying guest output to the console. If we update that implementation to pass through `tracing` we would gain a nice way to hook in...

The immediate feature I'd want for a "dev" mode would be turning on wasmtime's [`wasm_backtrace_details`](, which adds guest backtraces to wasm trap errors.

As a parallel to #352 it would be great to have a `spin test` subcommand that can run integration tests against a Spin app. Along with being a useful user...

Currently this installs to whatever directory I happen to be in, which is a little surprising. I'm actually not sure what the best alternative is here. Heroku's equivalent `` requires...

We are disabling builds that are failing due to cross-compiling openssl for ARM: I think we can fix that by merging #247 and using `--features=vendored-openssl` _for cross-compiled builds only_....

Looks like this was missed back in and hasn't been a problem until recent testing.

I'd like for us to agree on a split between integration and end-to-end tests so that we can organize them better. My proposal: * **Integration** tests * can be run...


I believe that currently ctrl-c will not interrupt a running Wasm instance. We should allow it to do so after a timeout and/or on a second ctrl-c interrupt.