
Results 146 comments of Lann

Have you seen bindle's (apparent) caching support?

> This feels pretty untidy in places. If anyone has thoughts on how it could be tidied, I'd really appreciate it! How about a new `BindleLoader` struct with e.g. `url`,...

Bikeshedding: how about `ClockTrigger`? Covers both cron-like (specific times of day) and timer-like (intervals, not caring about specific time) cases.

I see 3 "levels" of implementation for this: 1. Timeouts only trigger while wasm instructions are actively running. - This should be relatively easy to implement with e.g. but...

I find tarpaulin + [this extension]( pretty helpful.

@ecumene > I want something to execute on start, and never again Could you expound on what you want to do here? It seems like you could basically get this...

> I want "on start" to run some code that registers callbacks with another service before starting my app. This is an interesting one - sounds like you're basically doing...

> > service discovery registration > > [I'm actually registering a discord command]( Right now, it does it on the event that's meant for ping (grimacing) Makes sense. I'm mostly...

This is pretty much subsumed by #763

I think we should default to verifying the integrity of remote-sourced binaries to encourage good security practices. That might look something like: ```toml [component.source] url = "" integrity = "sha256:abc123..."...