
Results 146 comments of Lann

We can also do this incrementally as we are doing "major work" on individual crates/files. Until the config option is stable its going to drift over time anyway.

Plus another 13 in spin-kitchensink.

SQL databases are tricky to support generically since they each have different APIs/wire protocols. One option might be to build an interface that can wrap [ODBC]( (perhaps modeled after some...

Thanks for the write-up, @jjl ! A few notes: > Note: I am a rust developer more than a wasm developer. I do not have a wasm-related job and it's...

I am trying to minimally reproduce, but on `rust:1.59-slim-buster` I am able to `cargo build --release` spin @ without an error. Could you clarify what is running with `docker...

~It just occurred to me that those binaryen bins are in the PATH. I suspect those are being picked up by something in the rust build process which could easily...

Not sure if its relevant, but it looks like the docker image `rust:1.59-slim-buster` has been updated. My image ID is `3c48ac985493` where yours was `3ca1d8ed11bf`.

I made a more rigorous attempt to reproduce (with a totally clean git checkout) but I'm still not seeing this failure. To rule out a stealth bug fix with that...

> error: failed to run custom build command for `spin-cli v0.1.0 (/usr/src/spin)` This is a failure in [](, which is part of the cargo build process. That build program compiles...

Do we have debug logs for the failure?