> ... Flashing with the usbcom didn't give me errors in the log so I think is correctly flashed but I cant see it on Bluetooth. Be aware that the...
As a replacement for CR2032 for modified zigbee buttons and sensors in different housing I use CR123. They have 1.5Ah (compared to 200mAh of CR2032). The chemistry is exactly the...
@slingel That is a good tip, I use them aswell. Just be sure to get genuine ones. Fake copies can have much worse performance (higher quiescent current, lower maximum current...
@ilgrank you don't really calculate efficiency for linear regulators. Of course the best "efficiency" you would get with 3.1V input and 3.0V output...but where do you get 3.1V input? You...
You should replace the sensor with the same sensor - LYWSD03MMC has SHT40 sensor inside (and one revision has SHTC3) NOT SHT31. I successfully replaced default sensors them with external...
The SHT3X is as (non)waterproof as SHT40. The important aspect is the enclosure. I needed waterproof version aswell - Contact this seller with request for fully waterproof version. By default...
That is mainly a question for @pvvx but I would say this is out of the scope for this project and would only complicate things (what value to show on...
You're welcome! Consider adding capacitor(s) to unpopulated pads (C24 or C25). I will improve battery life and operation during lower battery levels where the battery has increased internal resistance and...