Landon Cope
Landon Cope
The monitors are connected natively via USB-C. Screenshots from BetterDisplay: .
I played around with BetterDisplay. At first, it was controlling the correct monitor. However, after changing a few settings/restarting the app, it started controlling the wrong monitor. I couldn't get...
The odd thing for me now is that MonitorControl always controls the wrong monitor's brightness, every time, no matter what I do. `Whenever I reboot or reattach both screens via...
Lopuhin, what did you end up doing about this issue? I'm thinking of just setting a cron job to restart the docker containers a few times a day.
I've found that commenting out the `self.view.window()` line in (line 100) speeds things up significantly, though the window is less responsive during the outputting.
@randy3k: rendering time
I fiddled with it for a while to come up with a fast solution that was also responsive (during massive output), but I didn't come up with anything. Now that...
@randy3k - I'm using your new code, and it now feels fast enough to me (compared to the original code) with massive output, and responsive as well. I'm running on...