Roger Lam
Roger Lam
The events are stored in an array and are popped with the shift function. The ruby array's pop function also returns nil if an array is empty so it sounds...
I think the problem still occurs when `DriverEventQueue#pop` gets called and `@shutdown` is false. It never raises an exception. I don't quite understand why we `@resource.wait` if it's not shutting...
Awesome! Would it be possible to add a hook to the end of a `terraform plan` instead? Makes more sense to me for it to be in plan since an...
Oh bummer. No, I was just wondering and I've never seen anything like it haha Thanks for looking into it!
I dont know Go but i was able to hardcode the Coupons string in `resource_order.go` with this and rebuild to support it. ``` "Coupons": []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"Code": "8682","Qty": "1","ID": "3"}}, ```
Also, shout out to Store #4336 in DC for canceling my duplicated orders!
Is there a suggested way to parse newlines? edit: is it this? edit2: Had to replace singular \n with \n\n
I had a similar issue but it wasn't finding my characteristic at all and worked around it by enumerating all of them and filtering after ``` const characteristics = await...
random_mps_impl is used in other operations in Distribution. Should I add tests for those too? cc: @kulinseth since I followed your suggestion here: and think the same advice applies...