Results 25 comments of Lampusha

Hi! Please, update plugin to 6.1.0 and check this code: ```js var sApp = startApp.set({ "action" : "ACTION_SEND", "category" : "CATEGORY_DEFAULT", "package" : "PACKAGE NAME",//The packageName of the app I...

Hi! for start application to play music test this code: ```js var sApp = startApp.set({ "action": "android.intent.action.MUSIC_PLAYER", "noParse": true }). ```

Hi! Please, update plugin to 6.1.4 and test this: ```js let sApp = ( < any > window).startApp.set({ /* params */ "noParse": true, "action": "miui.intent.action.APP_PERM_EDITOR", "component": ["com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.permcenter.permissions.AppPermissionsEditorActivity"], "flags": ["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"],...

Hi, @WuglyakBolgoink I can't restore my account in npm( I still correspond with npm support, but its so long time...

@pravinCignex Hi!. `alert()` not working in cordova, but callbacks should work exactly, check via `console.log()`

Hi! Please, change `noParseAction` to `noParse`. Its my error in docs.

@csampalis hmm Yes, it looks like a bug

@StephenMok1997 Hmm, if you use `package` for start app, you need add to command name of activity or action because `package` its not a intent for start app, its only...