Julien De Loor
Julien De Loor
Found ! i needed to use make KSRC=/lib/modules/3.8.13-bone47/build/linux-3.8.13-bone47 because the script i used put modules compilations files here... dam linux 6h lost...
You should write something like this on the readme, it will save a lot...
@Qlex42 I put a direct link to the file it will be easier for people to patch their own https://github.com/Qlex42/docgl/blob/master/extern/src/GL/glew.c
Yeah it's good, I couldn't compile the CUDA version but I deactivated the checkbox CUDA
I have tried to do some experiments about this in https://github.com/DarioSamo/LibXenoverse/pull/20
I removed ffmpegcolorspace I added this code ``` else if (buf->size > expected_frame_size) { ROS_WARN_STREAM( "GStreamer image buffer overflow: Expected frame to be "