Ah, that's one of the modifications I designed but never programmed. GOs node colors are AFAIK never even read in the first place, in ```reset()```: ```python # set possible colors...
According to my notes from 2 years back I also needed to change the constraint propagation -> done. @asher-pembroke, I created a new branch, (did not test it enough to...
Note to self: changing `c='b'` to `c='y'` tends to break (expected exception) while `c='r'` looks cool -> could use as example in readme if everything works out
What I meant was, you call ```run(1)``` to do a one step iteration, afterwards you would limit the colors, then call ```run()``` again, so that you can interact with the...
Updated the code; You should now be able to mix colors as node attributes and node attributes that can be converted to sets of colors (it has to be a...
Additionally: `python -m graphwfc -v value`-examples break in 2.5 but work in 2.4 (it breaks in nx.read_graphml) the example code does not even work in 2.1...
I uploaded a new version; while the example code should work now with networkx 2.5, somehow loading of files breaks on 2.5 but works on 2.4. So for the time...
Thank you, that is great to hear. I'll keep this issue open until I can fix the loading issue.