Lamberto Basti

Results 23 comments of Lamberto Basti

Exact same error here... Building on latest android studio on win10, minSDK 18, max 25

@Are0215 the issue was caused by a mistake of mine in the tab xml: i was not declaring properly all the tabs and consequently the bottom bar was not viewing...

> It seems that the KEEP's use case 'Functional error handling' (specifically the example with `runCatching { doSomethingSync() }`) is one that easily introduces the side effect being discussed in...

Exactly my same problem. Yet the task actually hang forever instead of erroring, which is kind of strange...

I don't think this repo is maintained at all. You'll have to use my repo I guess...

There is a workaround for this. The real URI is the second part of the content so as in this StackOverflow question, you can parse it manually. It sucks but...

I managed to generate bindings for Firebase 7.7.0. There were few errors so i manually edited them and zipped them [here](! Hope it may helps in the meantime.

😭 After few rebuilds the plugin deleted the externals and started erroring again 😭😭😭😭 Same error #197 Versions: (tried all combinations) - Kotlin: 1.3.61, 1.4.0-dev-1148 - Gradle: 6.0.1, 6.1 -...

yeah but i don't think those are compatible with JetBrains React Wrapper... Is there any solution to make material-ui work with the official wrappers?

add those functions at the end of `build.gradle.kts`: ``` fun kotlinFrontend(block: KotlinFrontendExtension.() -> Unit) = tasks.getByName("kotlinFrontend", block) fun KotlinFrontendExtension.webpackBundle(block: WebPackExtension.() -> Unit) = configure(block) fun KotlinFrontendExtension.npm(block: NpmDependenciesTask.() -> Unit) =...