Your role triggers an error at second run here because removing curl package does not remove libcurl.a file (first run install conda, uninstall curl conda package, let libcurl.a, then second...
#### I'm submitting a ... - [x] bug report - [ ] feature request - [ ] support request => Please do not submit support request here, see note at...
As stated in, current build-css target can fail if plugin dependencies imply profile activation by jdk version. In the original bug report, failure is triggered by a apache commons...
In `de.agilecoders.wicket.webjars.collectors.AssetsMap.listAssets(String)`, matching is done with a `asset.startsWith(prefix)` condition. If `folderPath := "bootstrap"` and `asset := "META-INF/resources/webjars/bootstrap4/4.6.1/..."` then resource will match. Does wicket-webjars need a fix ? This behavior (matching...
With Igloo 4.0.0, we step into a jgtiflow issue. In `basic-application-{core-webapp}/pom.xml`, we use `${igloo.version}` for igloo dependencies. It allow us to manage igloo and basic-application together, and when we create...
Currently, an error in a autoPerform DataUpgrade do not stop application of subsequent upgrade. We mark upgrade as failed and we continue with next upgrades. We need to allow a...
* igloo-component-commons: * split code into several modules * (*) use a pom dependency module for truezip; get rid of truezip dependency as it is unused in this module *...
Current status about cache / distributed caching: * ehcache 2.x used as hibernate second level cache backend and spring cache backend * infinispan integration (configuration) and a home-made wrapper to...