Lucas K Allmon
Lucas K Allmon
Has anyone successfully used GodotCI on GitHub to successfully push to I tried a couple ways from other examples but didn't get it to work.
lol @abraman1 This would be mega-valuable so :+1:
It seems like it's not picking up my browserslist section of my package.json either. I have an explicit "not ie 10" rule, and still getting `rem (root em) units only...
@aidan-fitz Are you on the latest version (1.1.0)? Do you have any styles overriding this? Here's a screenshot from my current file on 1.1.0:
@NikhilKalige I hope you can get some help for it, maybe I'll take a stab on the weekend, but it's a really cool project.
@Azakur4 You should submit a pull request too!