Lalit Kumar
Lalit Kumar
I was not sure what was causing this issue. I came here looking for something else but found this issue. Its happening to me and I was trying to fix...
I really want to leave `tmux` and come over to `zellij` but I am a full-time neovim user and when I tried it the first time I saw that my...
I am also facing this issue. ``` 2023-06-09T19:07:03 lazy.nvim ERROR Failed to source `/home/lenovo/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-cmdline/after/plugin/cmp_cmdline.lua` vim/_editor.lua:0: User Autocommands for "VeryLazy"..script nvim_exec2() called at User Autocommands for "VeryLazy":0../home/lenovo/.local/share/nvim/lazy/cmp-cmdline/after/plugin/cmp_cmdline.lua: Vim(source):E5113: Error while...
For me, it is different a little bit. After closing `fugitive.nvim` window, the `branch` component in the `lualine` goes away and then I will have to take action to update...