``` package com.a; import java.util.Collections; public class Util{ public static int test(){ Collections.unmodifiableMap(null); System.arraycopy(null,0,null,0,0); return 1; } } ``` transpiled as following: ``` export class Util { public static test():...
how to workaround this
hifigan lite model on TensorFlowLiteSwift error: input_channels % filter_input_channels != 0 (12!=0)
I'm working with fastspeech2_quant.tflite and hifigan_float16.tflite on TensorFlowLiteSwift The fastspeech output tensor's shape is [1,92,80], and there's an error when resizing input tensor of hifi-gan model with shape [1, 92,...
Hi! 👋 Firstly, thanks for your work on this project! 🙂 Today I used [patch-package]( to patch `[email protected]` for the project I'm working on. Here is the diff that solved...