
Results 7 comments of ltl python projects/IDOL/ --config-file projects/IDOL/configs/coco_pretrain/r50_coco_sequence.yaml --input input.png --output result.png

> I tried to run python projects/IDOL/ but it is not finding the checkpoint. Have you any idea in which folder I have to put the pre-trained model? > >...

> ### Sorry for replying so late. You can go to the folder "projects/IDOL/idol/models/ops", and then execute the following command: bash If you compile successfully, and you can fix...

> Yes, i can visualize detection results successfully, what problems or bugs do you met?


回来填坑:升级nvidia driver,升级cuda9.2到cuda10.0可以fix

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev,and then pip install onnx. I solved the problem by this operation.