Ruchika Lakhina
Ruchika Lakhina
Hey @jroper , That community contributed plugin shall fall under "/dev/" on lagom/lagom or as personal repo?
Nice. I would love to do so.
@stephen-lazarionok Currently ,I am not working on this. You may go ahead.
@rstento @TimMoore So should we pull it depending on if it is in development env then run that script on base of env var?
@rstento I will work on it soon
@yg-apaza Are you working on it?
I am not sure how we bot both `lagomExternalJavadslProject` way and single build way in same project and still not confuse people
@TimMoore yes, lagom docs says the same
@ignasi35 As per I can understand from context what we will need to do is 1. Check if ES of proper version is available to run. if not then download...
@ignasi35 Where should we download ES so that it do not have to be re downloaded every time after `sbt clean`