> Hi! I encountered the same problem when executing sample.py on the testing data. The issue that I found was that one of the utils, protein_ligand.py, used deprecated data types,...
Thanks for your help! I have a further question. Are all parameters required when run the train.py or only parameters with _require_ mark are required
First, thanks for your help, But, actually, I mean the _gpus_ parameter. If I leave it blank, it reports > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' If I set...
Thank you! The information you provided was really helpful. Can you please facilitate the training setup data for the QM9 dataset. Because I see that the README document only provides...
Thank you for your response! But what I would prefer to know, if possible, is the individual parameters of the QM9 training. For example learning rate, epoch value etc. thanks!
> I had met and solved it, move the error import sentence to the first line of the main.py Thanks! I will check it out!