Carl Gerlach
Carl Gerlach
LastSelected need clear when new project load,Otherwise will raise index exceed frames length error when you previous project LastSelected number is larger than new project frames number.
IF DO THIS ,lastSelected will equal FrameListView.SelectedIndex in all time,lastSelected not represent last Selected.
call "d:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" mkdir dll_output mkdir bin mkdir static_lib_output cd src ::Compile all C -> obj cl /MD /O2 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL *.c :: Rename obj ren lua.obj lua.o...
convert bytes to String
Reset password at current style will show "a" mark
for better display table about 安全性与幂等性
If add x1/x2 with data preprocess ,may be we can use less node to solve screw graph. Use exponential to deal divisor is zero problem.