
Results 58 comments of laggardkernel

@gawel Thanks for ur help. `doc.outerHtml()` do solve my problem, it ensures tags closed correctly in the XHTML file. I don't care about the dropping of `` thing very much....

@gawel I see it. Talking about the DOCTYPE stuff, I find something that may be helpful. The `Element` object from `lxml` doesn't preserve the DOCTYPE and DTD content. If we...

I know PyQuery is using `etree` from `lxml` to parse input. I'm trying to emphasize the difference between `etree.parse()` and `etree.fromstring()`, which could explain why `` is lost in my...

That's how async works ... The file saving is handled in parallel.

Doesn't look like a problem for Quart, the ASGI app. The ASGI separates ASGI server and ASGI app. All the ASGI app gets is `scope`, `receive()`, `send()`. An app reads...

How about submitting to conda/conda? The completions for fish and Bash has been included.

I'm not talking about `ftdetect/polyglot.vim`, which just call `call polyglot#init#init()`. Cause the `init()` is redefined as a dummy function when it's first called. The next time when it's called, it...

This happens with the `` for macOS as well. It can't find the `.minecraft` folder even I use `~/.minecraft`.

Permission of `/Library/LaunchDaemons/` seems to be `600`. Cause the program is not run by root, the specific file could not be copied. You could try to fix the perm of...

Update 1: It turns out `zpty -w $worker "$@"$'\0'` failed after too many jobs have been sent. ----- ## Behavior @mafredri I may have encounter similar problem in my async...