
Results 58 comments of laggardkernel

``` ❯ cdns -c /usr/local/etc/cdns/config.json 1572269801.422899 /tmp/cdns-20191028-39793-1jebj82/cdns.c:883 cdns_init_server(...) bind: Invalid argument ``` @semigodking 错误输出就这么一句话,我也搞不明白。 编译时候安装了 `argp-standalone` 作为依赖,注释掉了 `blacklist.c` 中 `tdestroy`,添加了 `CFLAGS` `-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/include/machine -largp`,编译使用了 cmake。同样条件编译1.1发布版是成功的。 以防万一,我把一些日志贴出来。 编译日志 ``` ==>...

`hi link` is faster because it avoids calling the custom `X` function to define `highlight`, saves the time cost on `call X`. After some reading on `:h hi`, I can...

I got Atom editor installed and found out I have only the green, red diff background color. The text color was not changed as illustrated in your images. Did you...

Update 1: remove some colorization in for patch file (defined by diff syntax), only makes the changed content stand out, not the title, index line, etc. Have it implemented at...

@geoffharcourt Thx for your explanation. I just made a [hard-coded fork of vim-one]( and the startup time improves dramatically. ```bash # the original one ❯ -r 10 nvim =====================================...

@geoffharcourt No, not yet. I used command `nvim -u only-for-one.vim -V20output.log` to get the verbose sourcing info during nvim startup. The configuration file `only-for-one.vim` only included the `vim-one` plugin and...

@rakr Thank God you're back. There's another optimization I borrowed from vim theme gruvbox that reuses `highlight` definitions by `hi link`. Maybe we could add it as well. I'll rebase...

Made a [fork]( to improve the startup time. ```bash # the original one ❯ -r 10 nvim ===================================== Top 10 plugins slowing nvim's startup ===================================== 1 170.621 vim-one 2...

@sarim Aria2 fails to support CA cert from gnutls. You need to use system CA cert when building aria2 with gnutls. Aria2 compiled with OpenSSL may have problem to handshake...

> Yes, I built it with `--with-ca-bundle=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt`. Still gnutls version fails to connect to my site. While openssl one does successfully :/ Did the gnutls aria2 fail with every site...