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ViSP stack for ROS
Hello, how can I use visp_tracker using Kinect?
Hi, when I run the visp_tracker, I can get it to track a model that I defined. Sometimes the tracker will fail, and when it does fail, I'd like to...
For eye-to-base calibration do I only need to take the inverse of the EF w.r.t the base?
Hi I detect the QR-code when I run `roslaunch visp_auto_tracker tracklive_usb.launch` and I can check the QR-code's pose from `rostopic echo /visp_auto_acker/object_position` BUT how can I see the QR-code in...
I use your code with realsense in Eye on Base calibration During my experiment, if I took around 15 images, the results looks good but not exactly correct. So, I...
This is the message I get: [visp_auto_tracker-1] process has died [pid 3675, exit code -11, cmd /home/ruben/catkin_ws/devel/lib/visp_auto_tracker/visp_auto_tracker /visp_auto_tracker/camera_info:=/usb_cam/camera_info /visp_auto_tracker/image_raw:=/usb_cam/image_raw __name:=visp_auto_tracker __log:=/home/ruben/.ros/log/12c6b6d2-cf76-11e7-bf56-303a6428194b/visp_auto_tracker-1.log]. log file: /home/ruben/.ros/log/12c6b6d2-cf76-11e7-bf56-303a6428194b/visp_auto_tracker-1*.log This massage appear when the camera...
Hi I got a Raspberry pi 4 (4 Go RAM) with Raspbian Buster and I try to setup the ros vision_visp package in order to use the camera tracking. With...
I've installed visp_auto_tracker package and there is no .bag file for ROS testing: roslaunch visp_auto_tracker tutorial.launch.
Hi, I ran tutorial.launch in visp tracker with CCD camera, but process has dead. ROS version: Kinetic camera: Applied vision GC1380(1360 x 1024, 20fps) I used laas model files and...
Hello, I am using a Kinova Jaco2 arm with a monocular camera mounted on the end effector. Is it possible to use this package for the camera calibration? I am...