Jérôme Lafréchoux
Jérôme Lafréchoux
Oh, right. 1 Flask `app` with multiple flask-smorest `Api`s. How would you prefix the parameters to distinguish the `Api`s in the app config context? The `Api` object has no `name`...
Thank you guys for your thoughts on this and sorry about the delay. Both approaches are interesting. I still need to get my head around this to get it right...
Sorry about the delay (again). I'd like this kind of configuration to be done in a config file rather than from the code. Hence my preference for the approaches in...
`PaginationMixin` is inherited by `Blueprint` so just override what you want in a custom `Blueprint`. Looking at it, I realize that the pagination feature is not that easy to customize....
Some would say if the cost is low why not keep them, but the point is that old framework versions might not even be supported anyway so let's not try...
Indeed, case sensitive everywhere. Transfering to apispec, as this is where arguments are parsed. This might be challenging to address. It all happens in the marshmallow schema. Perhaps when dealing...
My bad. Got apispec and webargs mixed up.
My bad. Got apispec and webargs mixed up.
Sorry about the transfer mess. The point about query or json is addressed in the docs: https://webargs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced.html#meta-locations.
Indeed we could add a `pre_load` method to do that. Since HTTP headers are case-insensitive everywhere, not just in OpenAPI spec, this might be better suited here than in flask-smorest....