Bill La Forge
Bill La Forge
If possible, I'd like to port my stuff to ClojureScript and I would not know how to do it without collection-check.
Migrate this project to the aatree community:
When a transaction fails, things just stop working. Instead, an exception should be sent to the requestor and the database rolled back. One complication here is BitSet, which is mutable....
Heifer is a Copy-On-Write database like Yearling, but with the addition of a transaction log. Updates then must be serializable. It is also time to add a recovery mechanism so...
I've been busy rewriting small portions of AsyncFP in Java and found a design flaw: This bug has not been fixed in AsyncFP and, because the code is structured...
Implement a robust in-memory key/value store, complete with recovery and restart.
Revise the API to be compatible with JActor 4.0.0.
Been working on the backend too long. Now trying to update my sente-boot example and running headlong into a dependency issue (methinks) with http-kit. My build-boot file is located here:...
Been working on upgrading the boot-sente example at but I keep getting hung up on http-kit. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance. Bill clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: clojure/lang/IFn data: {:file "org\\httpkit\\server.clj", :line 66}...