Jérémie Bertrand
Jérémie Bertrand
@biohazard999 Thanks! :D
@foundinhim No problem. I didn't even knew that Pretzel was on Plural Sight :)
Thanks for the link!
Nice idea, I wanted to improve the [site](http://code52.org/pretzel/) that is already using github pages on the gh-pages branch but haven't thought of adding the docs.
I agree to move the generated site source to a `docs` repo instead of having it in another branch. It is possible to create and push a commit from AppVeyor,...
> Do you really want to make a repo? Or did you ment folder? Folder, sorry. I haven't the rights to create another repo in Code52 so the folder should...
Yep it already is, using the `gh-pages` branch and the custom domain http://code52.org. That won't conflict because https://github.com/Code52/code52.github.com handle the main site and th github page on the pretzel repo...
Well github says that it is [possible](https://help.github.com/en/articles/user-organization-and-project-pages): >A Project Pages site for an organization account is available at http(s)://\.github.io/\.
To be sure, we just have to modified the gh-pages branch in pretzel repo (like adding an html comment) and see if it appears on http://code52.org/pretzel/ :)