Jérémie Bertrand
Jérémie Bertrand
Thanks for this, it was indeed necessary. Any news on when it will be integrated into web-ext?
Hi, Sorry for the lack of documentation, but like it's said in the ReadMe, Pretzel is very like Jekyll which has an awesome [doc](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home/). For the categories, you can access...
Yeah, there is some differences between Jekyll and Pretzel, I started to list them [here](https://github.com/Code52/pretzel/wiki/Jekyll-differences) but I haven't made the all tour yet. You don't need to declare all categories...
If you want the category to be in the url, yes, otherwise you just have access to categories through `site.categories`. It's been a while since I take a look at...
Thanks for the feedbak. Normally this is fixed with the current master branch, can you try it? You can find the latest binaries on [AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/laedit/pretzel/build/artifacts) and here is a [guide](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/wiki/CreatePackages#testing-your-package)...
My bad, the problem is that the zip file on GitHub is not available right now... You can either modify the install script in the nupkg or wait for the...
The new version is finally here, can you test it? You can use chocolatey directly but you have to explicitly use the 0.3.0 version since the package haven't been validated...
Is it still the case?
Thanks a lot for the reporting 😃 I know that the `paginator` is kind of "weird" at best, but I hadn't take the time to investigate it. Seems the time...
So finally it is not linked to the `paginator`directly but by the way we populate the liquid's template data in `LiquidEngine`: the `paginator` is passed directly without processing the data...