Jacob Gelman
Jacob Gelman
I have implemented support for case insensitive glob patterns. I have not added a test case yet as I am experiencing a strange build error involving Spectre.
**Stencil version:** (run `npm list @stencil/core` from a terminal/cmd prompt and paste output below): ``` @stencil/[email protected] ``` **I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x") [ ] bug report [x]...
**Resources:** Before submitting an issue, please consult our [docs](https://stenciljs.com/). **Stencil version:** ``` [email protected] /Users/jacob/Developer/frontend └── @stencil/[email protected] ``` **I'm submitting a ...** [ ] bug report [x] feature request [ ]...
Hello, I am trying to use Lark to implement an ONVIF client in Swift. For those unfamiliar with the ONVIF specification, its goal is the "standardization of communication between IP-based...
### Describe The Bug Before I understood how the configuration works, I mistakenly extended the default build task as shown below: ```toml [tasks.build] description = "Build without default features" extend...
Hello, I have created two accessories. One is a ContactSensor and the other is a LockMechanism. Both accessories are called "Front Door." However, when both accessories are called "Front Door,"...
After installing ember-masonry-grid via `ember install ember-masonry-grid`, I receive the following error when I run `ember serve`: ``` The Broccoli Plugin: [BroccoliMergeTrees: Addon#compileAddon(ember-masonry-grid) ] failed with: ReferenceError: [BABEL] ember-masonry-grid/components/masonry-grid/component.js: Unknown...
After decoding an SVG to an `NSImage` on macOS 14.4.1, the `sd_isVector` property returns false: ```swift func testDecodeSVG() throws { let url = Bundle(for: AppTests.self).url(forResource: "flag", withExtension: "svg")! let svgData...